This Ikea circular economy design and product redesign utilized insights distilled from the e-waste downstream to redesign Ikea's global supply chain and serve as a model for what an in-house circular economy could look like.
Design Strategy | Competitive Landscaping | User Research | Content Photography | Strategy | Product Design | Design Strategy | Story Boarding and Illustration
Partnering with:
Homeboy Electronics Recycling

Understanding the issue
Measuring Current Product Impact
Benchmark Product:
Ikea Rallen
Product contains extraneous amount of different materials and lengthy disassembly time.

Highest impact steamed from material extraction, refining, and processing as well as disposal
Opportunities for improvement:

Final Redesign

Design Solution: Redesigned Ikea charging Docka made from closed-loop materials and interacted product return experience.

Product Redesign

Circular Economy

Retail Experience
Current Linear Life Cycle

New Circular Life Cycle

product redesign
Recycling as Branding
Recycling as branding makes a material logo that is familiar yet unique to the product.

CMF Strategy
Standardized polypropylene materials enables closed
loop system
Archetype Colorwaies
Energetic Singles

Cool Splash
Satellite Employees

Black Star
Newbie Families

Confetti splash
Freshmen Dormers


Designed for disassembly
+ Labeled parts
+ Special tool open tabs
+ Disassembly area
+ 100% recyclable

Product return station
By giving reward point when users return electronics, it encourages consumers to participate in the system and raises brand loyalty

Improving upon the existing return system:
Keep the existing recycling center at the exit, but add a return product area at the store entrance.

Improved Impact

Last Project
Last Project

Old Product Life Cycle Analysis:
New Product Life Cycle Analysis:

+ Circular economy are normalized to
+ Less materials extracted
+ Less waste
+ Smaller carbon footprint from
material processing
+ Smaller shipping footprint
+ Almost 100% recyclable