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Jump House

This childcare platform leverages a sharing economy of parents within low-income families in order to change gender-related pressures, enable affordable care-taking, and broaden children's access to new, enriching experiences.

My Role: Trend Research | Competitive Landscaping | User Research | Strategy | Product Design | Design Strategy | Story Boarding and Illustration

Jie Gu | Interaction

Linwei Li | Graphic Design

Eunice Han |Product Design 

Special thanks to Krystina and Brian 

Problem Statement:


Gender equality is about the balance of roles embodied within a household. In low-income families, daily matters take priority, leaving the caretaker feeling unvalued and the working parent excluded.

(Derived from UN Sustainable Development Goal No. 5: Gender Equality)

Traditional 'Dad' roles
can often be excluded from everyday joys and hardship due to barriers such as physically being away from their families. 

Traditional 'Mom' roles

often are expect to sacrifice personal desires to stay home for child care. Poor visibility and overall lack of understanding leads to feelings of inequality.

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"I couldn’t keep a good job, because I always had to stay at home. Babysitters were aways too expensive."

Rosie, Mother of 7 

"They trade, they bargain, they strategize, they give each other daycare help, they share housing and food - these communities learn to strategize their way through all of these resources."

Suzanne Morrissey, Professor & Researcher at Whitman College 

Pain Points





Childcare is expensive

Limited babysitting options force mothers to stay at home. She cannot go out to find stable, quality work.

Barriers are plentiful

Parents desire to meaningfully connect with all their kids, regardless of age, but different schedules, different “moods,” different cultures and gender stereotypes hinder this.:

Miscommunication is common

Fathers who don’t normally contribute to homemaking lack a mutual understanding of the mother’s contribution, the confidence to take care of kids.

Access is limited

Children in low-income households grow up with limited access to enriching environments (i.e. never read to when a young child).






Enhance existing networks

Build on the existing network of families that work together to support one another.

Broadening horizons

A service that allows care-taking not be traded hour per hour by family, but instead allows a bank of hours in order to allow families to cash in their hours with any other participants.:

Share daily moments

The exchange of video moments could show partners the joys of one's days and spark understanding and conversation. 

Broaden horizons

Create a platform that not only allows sharing but also brings people together to enjoy new learning experiences to broaden horizons.:

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Competitive Analysis

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Flow Map


Jump House

A product/app ecosystem that leverages technology to elevate a naturally occurring sharing economy of parents, to facilitate a community that works together to break past gender barriers and raise the quality of life for families in low income areas.

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A communication device 

This device connects kids 10 or younger with supervising parents' phone or wifi to upload moments.

Jump Stick

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Uploads live moments to the app

Family stories allow everyone to be part of one another's days, soothe concerns of safety, and creates shareable moments

Live Story Feature

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Generating healthy interactions 

The design is inspired by a magnifying glass to draw the child's eyes up to the world rather that down at a phone.  

AR interaction 

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Walkie talkie feature

Noninvasive communication 

Voice check-ins enable quick moments of  communication with kids and parents, allowing parents to go about their personal day or work days unencumbered








Design Criteria 

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Browse by preferences



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Family Feature

A place for the whole family to communicate 

One app where the family can share their calendar, communication and upcoming events. 

Point currency system

Alleviates stress and creates equality   

+ Allows partnerships with family brands to support the business model 

+ Help families move past the barrier of hour per hour care-taking trade off

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